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2.3. Network Drives

H: First Last

The H: drive is your personal network drive.  All for you and only you. Keep whatever you want here that you don't need shared with others.  Your Documents, Pictures, and Video folders redirects here.

S: Shared

The S: drive is the Shared drive.  Policies, Procedures, and other less exciting items are found here. This also houses Secure Team Shares which are shared spaces outside of a single department.  We try to make it obvious who 'owns' the documents when applicable.  Mostly so we can tell them to clean house if needed.  Feel free to explore.

W: Workgroup

The W: drive is your department’s drive.  Or should be... some people may see the Contracts folder still despite being in another department.  A work in progress.

The above three drives are on the network.  This means they are backed up.  If your computer tanks, these are the ONLY files that will not be lost. 

Knowledge Tags
drives  /  network  /  W:  /  H:  /  S:  / 

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