HomeIT ItemsPhone systemWebMeetings - Recurring (3CX)

4.6. WebMeetings - Recurring (3CX)

As of writing this, there's no obvious way to create a recurring meeting in 3CX.  But you CAN do it.

  1. Log into 3CX
  2. Click Schedule Conference
  3. Fill out the details of your New Conference.  (You may have to hit "+" if you have a scheduled meeting already)
  4. Make sure When is set to Later
    1. Set the date and time for long enough in the future that your meetings will end before then.  If you plan to meet for 10 years and it's 2020, pick a date in 2030.
  5. Set Calendar to Desktop Outlook
  6. Hit Create Meeting

An .ics file will be downloaded.  Open that file, which should open in Outlook.

You can now schedule the meeting like ANY other meeting.  Set the recurrence, invite your attendees, pick a room, etc.

REMEMBER:  Your start date in Outlook will be the date you chose in 3CX.  So don't forget to make that accurate.


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