HomeIT ItemsPassword ManagementUsing KeePass (Password Manager)

3.2. Using KeePass (Password Manager)

You don’t leave the key to your house taped to the front door, so, I'm sure you don’t leave your passwords written down and accessible to others. (Wait, what’s that under your keyboard?)

The best way to store your numerous secure, unique passwords is with a password manager such as KeePass (which just happens to be installed on your computer). With a password manager, you only have to remember the password to log in to your computer and the password to access your password database.

Creating a Database

You can start KeePass by opening the start menu and selecting it under Goodwill Apps.


Now you’ll want to create your password database. Click the New icon in the toolbar.


Give the file a cool name and save it to your H: drive.

In the next window, you will create a Master Password. This will allow you to access your password database. Obviously, you will want this to be as secure as possible. Use random words, song lyrics, poetry, or anything else you desire to make it long (at least 16 characters) but easy to remember (since you’re not going to write it down). Hit OK to continue.

The Database Settings window has a bunch of stuff you don’t need to worry about. Hit OK to create your database.


Now you see the main window. On the left, you see the entry groups. On the right, you see the actual password entries. The password entries are grouped together into the password groups you see on the left. So, depending on which group on the left you selected, it'll show you the entries in this group in the right view. KeePass has created a few default groups for you, but you're free to delete them and create your own ones. You can even nest subgroups within groups.


Adding an Entry

To create a password entry, select the folder you would like the entry to reside in, right-click within the entry pane, and select Add Entry…

The Add Entry window appears. Fill out the fields you need. By default, KeePass will generate a password for you. You can press the Show/hide password icon (1) to reveal it. You can also use the Password Generator (2) to generate a new one with various requirements (length, case, special characters, etc.) you specify. Alternatively, you can simply type your own password into the Password field. Hit OK to create the entry.


Now you will want to save your database. Hit the Save icon in the toolbar.

Using Entries

When you face one of those annoying log-in screens (ugh, security is so inconvenient), there are a few ways you can use your entries in KeePass:

Food for Thought

Knowledge Tags
KeePass  /  Passwords  /  kee  /  key  /  pass  / 

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